What a busy weekend

Last weekend, we have had two information booths. On Saturday, we were present on the Zero Waste Day organised by the municipality of Bertrange. On Sunday, we shared the #United4ClimateJustice stand with other members of this coalition. Both were fun! Thanks for having us!

Zero Waste Day in Bertrange

Cooking stand at #United4ClimateJustice

On the occasion of the United for Climate Justice demonstration on the 27th of September 2019, we prepared snacks, wraps, soup and fruit salad with food that would have been thrown away for everybody. On the whole, we have distributed 300 portions.

Thank you to everyone that came by yesterday, volunteered or supported us in any way!

World Disco Soup Day 2019

Some of our members have attended the disco soup in Echternach on the occasion of the World Disco Soup Day on the 27th of April 2019. This event was organized by Slow Food Youth Luxembourg and supported by the municipality of Echternach and by KlimaPakt. Local groups have been involved too.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted with a warm welcome, freshly prepared soup and smoothies. Having filled our bellies, we helped the other volunteers distributing the left-overs and clearing up the space.

Despite the showers of rain, we really enjoyed coming here and getting to know like-minded people. We also look forward to work together more with Slow Food Youth Luxembourg!

Photos of this event can be found on the Facebook page of Slow Food Youth Luxembourg.

Support the petition against food waste

We support the petition 1233 – Gemeinsam aktiv gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung – of Josette Heitz at the Chamber of Deputies. It has already reached 1000 signatures in a few days, so it is realistic to surpass the threshold of 4500 signatures before its closure the 30th April.

But de la pétition:

Ein Lebensmittel-Gesetz einführen, das grosse Supermärkte verplichtet, unverkaufte, aber noch geniessbare Waren nicht mehr wegzuwerfen, sondern an karitative Einrichtungen weiterzugeben. Wer sich nicht dran hält, sollen Geldstrafen drohen.

Motivation de l’intérêt général de la pétition:

Wenn man bedenkt welche Unmengen an Rohstoffen und Energie nötig sind um Lebensmittel herzustellen, müssen unbedingt Strategien und Gesetze entwickelt werden um ein unnötiges Wegwerfen in Zukunft zu vermeiden, oder wenigstens drastisch zu senken.

Einige Stunden vor Ladenschluss sollen in den Supermärkten leichtverderbliche Waren wie Gemüse, Obst, Backwaren sowie Lebensmittel vor dem Ablaufdatum zu einem stark reduziertem Preis angeboten werden.

Ein Lebensmittel-Gesetz einführen, das grosse Supermärkte verplichtet, unverkaufte, aber noch geniessbare Waren nicht mehr wegzuwerfen, sondern an karitative Einrichtungen weiterzugeben. Wer sich nicht dran hält, sollen Geldstrafen drohen.


petition 1233

Please sign it to help to force the Chamber of Deputies to discuss this topic!